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  • Jenni

Vegan Sausage Patty Recipe

Vegan meat grounds and seasoning mixed in a bowl

On today's menu, we have vegan sausage patties made from Textured Vegetable Protein, also known as TVP. TVP can be made from many types of proteins, such as soy, wheat, and pea. It also comes in many shapes the most common are chunks, flakes, nuggets, grains, and strips. Grains of soy protein were used in making the vegan sausage patties.


- 1 cup TVP

- 3 tbsp Tahini

- 4 tbsp Garlic

- 1 stock Chopped Green Onion

- 1 tsp Celery seed

- 2 tbsp Black pepper

- 1 tbsp Sea salt

- 1 1/2 tbsp Ground mustard

- 4 crushed sheets of Seaweed

- 1/2 tbsp Pure sesame oil

- 2 tbsp Hot Old Bay

- About 2 cups of flour as a binding agent

Cooking Instructions:

Step 1: Soak the TVP in hot water for 5-10 minutes, cover, and allow the granules to swell. For 1 cup of TVP, you will need 3/4 cup of water.

Step 2: Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, except the flour.

Step 3: Gradually mix in the flour, 1/4 cup at a time, until the mixture sticks together to your liking or until you can form a ball.

Step 4: Take a palm-sized amount and shape it into ball shapes.

While forming the patties, preheat a pan over medium to medium-high heat.

Step 5: Place the formed balls on the hot pan and press them with a spatula to flatten (if you choose, you could flatten the balls in step 4 after rolling them).

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